Ultradent Blog

3 Ways Bad Temporaries Are Bad for Business

Written by Ultradent APAC | June 08, 2021

Over the last 20 years, dentistry has changed quite a bit. It used to be that “because it’s a temporary, quality and esthetics didn’t matter.” Now, it’s more like “just because it’s a temporary, doesn’t mean quality and esthetics don’t matter.” Additionally, more clinicians are realizing the negative effect bad temporaries have on their business. If any of the following problems sound a little too familiar to you, it’s time to consider upgrading your temporary material.

A broken temporary means an emergency appointment, which takes up time and costs you money. Plus, a broken temporary might break your patient’s confidence in you.


Here’s something else that might make your patient start looking for a new dentist: rough, uncomfortable provisionals. Having a temporary shouldn’t be torture.

​No one has time to waste on a provisional material that takes forever to set—not you, not your patients. Get your patients smiling sooner with a material that sets quickly.

Here’s the good news: we have a solution. Ultradent’s Expertemp® temporary crown and bridge material is proven to have exceptional strength, flexibility, and abrasion resistance. It’s easy to trim and polishes beautifully for superior patient comfort. Expertemp® material also features a self-cured chemistry that sets in approximately 50–110 seconds, intraorally. 

A bad provisional isn’t worth your practice’s reputation. 

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